How To: Sort Additional Images in the Order They Are Uploaded


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To sort the additional images in the order they are uploaded, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the app/functions directory of your CS-Cart installation.
  2. Open the fn.images.php file.
  3. Find and the following part of code in the file:
$pair_data = db_get_hash_array("SELECT pair_id, image_id, detailed_id, type FROM ?:images_links WHERE object_id = ?i AND object_type = ?s", 'pair_id', $object_id, $object_type);
  1. Replace that part of the code with this one:
$pair_data = db_get_hash_array("SELECT pair_id, image_id, detailed_id, type FROM ?:images_links WHERE object_id = ?i AND object_type = ?s ORDER BY pair_id", 'pair_id', $object_id, $object_type);
  1. Save the file.

After that the images will be sorted by the pair_id. The pair_id of every next image equals the pair_id of the previous image + 1, so the images will be sorted in the order they are uploaded.

If you have made changes in a template but they are not displayed, please try clearing the template cache. In order to do it, in the administration panel of your store go to Administration → Storage → Clear cache.

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