Adapt Your Add-ons and Themes to CS-Cart 4.11.5

Common Changes

  • A context menu has been added to the View orders page and the Customers page. All tools that involve selecting multiple elements and working with them, have been moved from the GearButton to the Actions section of the new menu. The GearButton now has only general tools that are not linked to any specific elements (for example, importing eBay orders).
  • If you previously added some tool to work with selected items using the '[dir_name]:list_tools' hook, now to add an item to the Actions menu you should use:
    • '[dir_name]:list_tools_for_selected'—to add it to the end of the menu;
    • '[dir_name]:export_tools_list_for_selected'—to add it to the export section;
    • '[dir_name]:view_tools_list_for_selected'—to add it to the section, that contains viewing actions. If you need a tool that doesn’t involve selecting specific elements, the hook will remain the same: '[dir_name]:list_tools'.
  • The loading animation (for example, when data is loaded in the background) now uses the CSS animation instead of the SVG file. If your add-ons use that SVG, adjust the class styles in LESS files to use the following classes instead of the backgroud: url(...) property:
    • .ajax-loader—to add a preloader;
    • .ajax-loader--horizontal-center —to center the element horizontally;
    • .ajax-loader--vertical-center—to center the element vertically;
    • .ajax-loader--vertical-top—to make an indent half the height of the preloader from the upper border.
  • Or you can add the same classes to the preloader block.

Core Changes

New Classes

  1. Enumerates possible item availability values:


Changed Functions

  1. //Old:
    fn_check_amount_in_stock($product_id, $amount, $product_options, $cart_id, $is_edp, $original_amount, &$cart, $update_id = 0)
    // New:
    fn_check_amount_in_stock($product_id, $amount, $product_options, $cart_id, $is_edp, $original_amount, &$cart, $update_id = 0, $skip_error_notification = false)
  2. //Old:
    fn_get_available_shippings($company_id = null, $get_service_params = false)
    // New:
    fn_get_available_shippings($company_id = null, $get_service_params = false, $storefront_id = null)
  3. //Old:
    \Tygh\Addons\RusOnlineCashRegister\Service::getReceiptFromOrder(array $order, $type)
    // New:
    \Tygh\Addons\RusOnlineCashRegister\Service::getReceiptFromOrder(array $order, $type, $payment_method = Receipt::PAYMENT_METHOD_FULL_PAYMENT)

Removed Functions

  1. // Removed function:
    // What to use instead:
  2. // Removed function:
    // What to use instead:

Deprecated Functions

  1. // Deprecated function:
    // What to use instead:

New Functions

  1. Check whether string is UTF-16BE encoded:

  2. Check whether string is UTF-16LE encoded:

  3. Check whether terms and conditions must be accepted by a customer during checkout:

  4. Check whether order status is prepaid:

  5. Set payment method for the receipt:

  6. Get payment method for the receipt:

  7. Convert weight to pounds/ounces:

  8. Convert weight to kilograms/grams:

  9. Stripe configuration data and redundant information from cart data:

    fn_storefront_rest_api_strip_service_data(array $cart)
  10. Change the status of specified user:

    fn_change_user_status($user_id, $status_to, $is_notification_required = false)
  11. Change the status of the specified category:

    fn_change_category_status($category_id, $status_to)
  12. Make a string uppercase:

    fn_strtoupper($string, $charset = CHARSET)

Hook Changes

Changed Hooks

  1. // Old:
    fn_set_hook('check_amount_in_stock', $product_id, $amount, $product_options, $cart_id, $is_edp, $original_amount, $cart);
    // New:
    fn_set_hook('check_amount_in_stock', $product_id, $amount, $product_options, $cart_id, $is_edp, $original_amount, $cart, $skip_error_notification);
  2. // Old:
    fn_set_hook('check_amount_in_stock_before_check', $product_id, $amount, $product_options, $cart_id, $is_edp, $original_amount, $cart, $update_id, $product, $current_amount);
    // New:
    fn_set_hook('check_amount_in_stock_before_check', $product_id, $amount, $product_options, $cart_id, $is_edp, $original_amount, $cart, $update_id, $product, $current_amount, $skip_error_notification);
  3. // Old:
    fn_set_hook('update_user_pre', $user_id, $user_data, $auth, $ship_to_another, $notify_user);
    // New:
    fn_set_hook('update_user_pre', $user_id, $user_data, $auth, $ship_to_another, $notify_user, $can_update)

New Hooks

  1. This hook is executed before actually sending a message via PHPMailer. The hook allows you to perform low-level manipulations on the PHPMailer itself:

    fn_set_hook('phpmailertransport_send_message_before_send', $this, $message);
  2. This hook is executed when checking whether Terms and Conditions must be accepted by a customer during checkout. The hook allows you to set requirement directly:

    fn_set_hook('checkout_is_terms_and_conditions_agreement_required_pre', $is_agreement_required);
  3. This hook is executed when checking whether Terms and Conditions must be accepted by a customer during checkout, after requirement is determined. The hook allows you to modify the check result:

    fn_set_hook('checkout_is_terms_and_conditions_agreement_required_post', $is_agreement_required);
  4. This hook is executed before starting the search for payment methods at Stripe add-on. The hook allows you to change search parameters:

    fn_set_hook('stripe_data_loader_get_supported_payments_before', $params);
  5. This hook is executed when the cart content is calculated, after the calculation of shipping rates. The hook allows you to modify the cart and the list of shipping methods:

    fn_set_hook('calculate_cart_content_after_shipping_calculation', $cart, $auth, $calculate_shipping, $calculate_taxes, $options_style, $apply_cart_promotions, $lang_code, $area, $cart_products, $product_groups);
  6. This hook is executed after prices for an order were formatted. The hook allows you to format additional prices:

    fn_set_hook('storefront_rest_api_format_order_prices_post', $order, $currency);
  7. This hook is executed after configuration data and redundant information were stripped from cart data. The hook allows you to remove additional data:

    fn_set_hook('storefront_rest_api_strip_service_data_post', $cart);
  8. This hook is executed before building child cart contents. The hook allows you to modify the child cart contents:

    fn_set_hook('place_suborders_pre', $order_id, $cart, $auth, $action, $issuer_id, $suborder_cart, $key_group, $group)