Adapt Your Add-ons and Themes to CS-Cart 4.5.1

Common Changes

  • The do_not_apply_promotions_on_order_update tweak was added to config.local.php. This tweak allows to disable reapplication of promotions according to the current rules during order editing.

  • The old CAPTCHA was replaced with Google reCAPTCHA entirely. To preserve backward compatibility, all logic related to CAPTCHA was moved from the core to the Google reCAPTCHA add-on. Here are the details:

    • The old CAPTCHA will not work in any way.

    • The PhpCaptcha library was removed.

    • All fn_image_verification() calls were removed from core controllers. This function was marked as deprecated along with the fn_needs_image_verification() function.


      You don’t need to change the code of your add-ons—these functions will work perfectly in your code, but they will actually perform validation only when the Google reCAPTCHA add-on is enabled and configured properly.

      When the Google reCAPTCHA add-on is not installed or is not configured:

      • fn_image_verification() will always return true.
      • fn_needs_image_verification() will always return false.
    • A schema that contains the conditions of how and when to require user request validation was added to app/addons/recaptcha/schemas/security/antibot_rules.php.

    • The code of the image.captcha controller mode was removed.

    • The Google reCAPTCHA add-on is now the only anti-bot protection available in CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor by default. To enable anti-bot protection, a store administrator must configure the add-on.

    • The Settings → Image verification section was hidden. Its contents now appear in the Google reCAPTCHA add-on settings. The actual database rows are still at the same place.

    • Settings that are responsible for the appearance of old CAPTCHA were hidden.

Hook Changes

New Hooks

  1. This hook is executed at the very beginning of the method, allowing you to modify the passed arguments:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_update_pre', $this, $data, $payout_id);
  2. This hook is executed before payout data is created or updated, allowing you to modify the stored payout data:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_update', $this, $data, $payout_id, $action);
  3. This hook is executed at the end of the method after the payout data is saved, allowing you to modify the returned value:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_update_post', $this, $data, $payout_id, $action);
  4. This hook is executed before the list of payouts is retrieved from the database, allowing you to modify the data passed to the query:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_get_list', $this, $params, $items_per_page, $fields, $join, $condition, $date_condition, $sorting, $limit);
  5. This hook is executed before the payout description is retrieved, allowing you to modify the data passed to the translation function:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_get_description', $payout, $language, $fields, $type);
  6. This hook is executed before income calculation, allowing you to modify the data passed to the function:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_get_income_pre', $this, $params);
  7. This hook is executed before performing a query to calculate vendor’s or admin’s income, allowing you to modify data passed to the query:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_get_income', $this, $params, $fields, $join, $condition, $date_condition);
  8. This hook is executed after the income is calculated, allowing you to modify the calculated values:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_get_income_post', $this, $params, $amount, $amount_carried_forward);
  9. This hook is executed before balance calculation, allowing you to modify the data passed to the function:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_get_balance_pre', $this, $params);
  10. This hook is executed during balance calculation, before performing a query to calculate vendor or admin withdrawals used to calculate balance. The hook allows you to modify data passed to the query:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_get_balance', $this, $params, $fields, $join, $condition, $date_condition);
  11. This hook is executed after the balance is calculated, allowing you to modify the calculated values:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_payouts_get_balance_post', $this, $params, $amount, $amount_carried_forward);
  12. This hook is a part of the RMA add-on. It is executed before creating a payout based on the return request, allowing you to modify the payout data:

    fn_set_hook('rma_update_details_create_payout', $data, $order_info, $return_info, $payout_data);
  13. This hook is a part of the PayPal Payments add-on. It is executed before creating a payout based on the return request, allowing you to modify the payout data:

    fn_set_hook('process_paypal_ipn_create_payout', $order_id, $data, $order_info, $payout_data);
  14. This hook is executed when placing an order on checkout, after failed orders are deleted:

    fn_set_hook('checkout_place_order_delete_orders', $cart, $auth, $params, $_order_ids);

Changed Hooks

// old:
fn_set_hook('render_block_register_cache', $block, $cache_key, $block_schema, $cache_this_block, $display_this_block);

// new:
fn_set_hook('render_block_register_cache', $block, $cache_prefix, $block_schema, $cache_this_block, $display_this_block);

Deleted Hooks

  1. mve_companies_get_payouts—please use vendor_payouts_get_list, vendor_payouts_get_income and vendor_payouts_get_balance instead.
  2. get_products_search_conditions_pre

Core Functions

New Functions

  1. Check if reapplication of promotions according to the current rules during order editing is enabled:

  2. Update the status of a payout or withdrawal and send a notification to vendor, if required:

    fn_companies_update_payout_status($id, $status, $notify_vendor = true)
  3. Clone objects that belong to a company:

    fn_ult_clone_objects($data, $from_company_id, $to_company_id)
  4. Check if an object is shared with a company:

    fn_ult_is_shared_object($object_type, $object_id, $company_id)
  5. Get the schemes of the content for blocks by block types:

    \Tygh\BlockManager\Block::getBlocksContentsByTypes(array $types)
  6. Get data from the bm_block_statuses table:


New Classes

  1. \Tygh\VendorPayouts contains mechanisms of creating, updating and representing vendor account balance operations (the Vendors → Accounting page).
  2. \Tygh\Enum\VendorPayoutTypes is the enumeration of payout types.
  3. \Tygh\Enum\VendorPayoutApprovalStatuses is the enumeration of payout approval statuses.

Changed Functions

  1. fn_companies_get_payouts($params = array(), $items_per_page = 0) is now deprecated. Please use one of these two functions instead:

    • VendorPayouts::getList(array $params, $items_per_page = 0)
    • VendorPayouts::getTotals(array $params)
  2. fn_get_order_payout_statuses() is now deprecated. Please use VendorPayouts::getPayoutOrderStatuses() instead.

  3. fn_companies_delete_payout($ids) is now deprecated. Please use VendorPayouts::::delete($ids) instead.

  4. // old:
    // new:
    \Tygh\CompanySingleton::getCompanyCondition($db_field, $add_and = true)

Deleted Functions

The following methods and their calls have been removed from cache providers:

  • getHandlers
  • saveHandlers
  • acquireLock
  • releaseLock

Affected classes are located in the \Tygh\Backend\Cache namespace:

  • ABackend
  • Apc
  • Apcu
  • Database
  • File
  • Redis
  • Sqlite
  • Xcache