Adapt Your Add-ons and Themes to CS-Cart 4.6.3

Hook Changes

New Hooks

  1. This hook allows you to change discussion parameters before they are processed and recorded to the database:

    fn_set_hook('update_discussion_pre', $data);
  2. This hook allows you to access the discussions that were already processed and recorded to the database:

    fn_set_hook('update_discussion_posts_post', $posts);
  3. This hook allows you to access the data of discussions after that data was formatted, recorded to the database, and sent to users by email:

    fn_set_hook('add_discussion_post_post', $post_data, $send_notifications);
  4. This hook allows you to change product subscription parameters before they are processed and recorded to the database:

    fn_set_hook('update_product_notifications_pre', $data);
  5. This hook allows you to change product subscription parameters before deleting the record from the database:

    fn_set_hook('update_product_notifications_before_delete', $data, $where);
  6. This hook allows you to add or remove fields before fetching product subscriptions data from the database:

    fn_set_hook('send_product_notifications_before_fetch_subscriptions', $product_id, $fields);
  7. This hook is executed after the commission amount was calculated for a payout. It allows you to modify payout data:

    fn_set_hook('vendor_plans_calculate_commission_for_payout_post', $order_info, $company_data, $payout_data);

Changed Hooks

  1. // old:
    fn_set_hook('get_banners', $params, $condition, $sorting, $limit, $lang_code);
    // new:
    fn_set_hook('get_banners', $params, $condition, $sorting, $limit, $lang_code, $fields);
  2. // old:
    fn_set_hook('delete_product_option_post', $option_id, $pid, $option_deleted);
    // new:
    fn_set_hook('delete_product_option_post', $option_id, $pid, $option_deleted, $product_id);

Core Functions

New Functions

  1. Get user auth token:

    fn_get_user_auth_token($user_id, $ttl = 604800)
  2. Build uniform resource name with query string:

    \Tygh\Tools\Url::buildUrn($dispatch, array $query_params = array())
  3. Get the communication protocol to use for URLs when accessing a store in the console mode:

  4. Get the average rating of an object (a product, for example):

    fn_discussion_get_average_object_rating($object_id, $object_type)

Changed Functions

  1. // old:
    function fn_get_product_options_data($cart_products, &$cart)
    // new:
    function fn_get_product_options_data($cart_products, &$cart, $params)
  2. // old:
    function fn_change_product_data_in_cart(&$cart_products, &$cart)
    // new:
    function fn_change_product_data_in_cart(&$cart_products, &$cart, $params)
  3. // old:
    function fn_paypal_payment_form($processor_data, $token)
    // new:
    function fn_paypal_payment_form($processor_data, $token, $return = false)
  4. // old:
    function fn_paypal_get_error($result)
    // new:
    function fn_paypal_get_error($result, $show_notification = true, $return_type = 'text')
  5. // old:
    Tygh\Addons\ProductVariations\Product\Manager::getProductFieldValue($product_id, $field, $default = null)
    // new:
    Tygh\Addons\ProductVariations\Product\Manager::getProductFieldValue($product_id, $field, $default = null, $ignore_cache = false)