Adapt Your Add-ons and Themes to CS-Cart 4.7.1

Common Changes

  1. \Tygh\Backend\Cache\ABackend::__construct now throws a DeveloperException when the cache handler is initialized before company_id is initialized.
  2. The rus_cities add-on (Russian localization — Cities) now contains all common data about cities used by the SDEK (rus_sdek), eDost (rus_edost), Delovye Linii (rus_dellin), and PEC (rus_pecom) add-ons. The code that handles cities was adjusted in all the mentioned add-ons.
  3. The mechanism of city name autocompletion in SDEK was changed.

Hook Changes

New Hooks

  1. This hook allows you to modify the parameters and the result of the function after it has been executed:

    fn_set_hook('get_static_data_post', $params, $lang_code, $s_data);
  2. This hook allows you to modify the input parameters of the function:

    fn_set_hook('delete_static_data_pre', $param_id);
  3. This hook allows you to modify the input parameters of the function:

    fn_set_hook('get_static_data_pre', $params, $lang_code);
  4. This hook allows you to modify the parameters and the result of the function after it has been executed:

    fn_set_hook('get_static_data_post', $params, $lang_code, $s_data);
  5. This hook allows you to modify the input parameters of the function:

    fn_set_hook('delete_static_data_pre', $param_id);
  6. This hook allows you to modify the parameters of the function after it has been executed:

    fn_set_hook('delete_static_data_post', $param_id, $delete_ids);
  7. This hook allows you to modify the input parameters of the function:

    fn_set_hook('delete_promotions_pre', $promotion_ids);
  8. This hook allows you to modify the promotion identifiers after the SQL queries have been executed:

    fn_set_hook('delete_promotions_post', $promotion_ids);
  9. This hook allows you to modify the input parameters of the function:

    fn_set_hook('update_promotion_pre', $data, $promotion_id, $lang_code);
  10. This hook allows you to modify the parameters and the result of the function after it has been executed:

    fn_set_hook('update_promotion_post', $data, $promotion_id, $lang_code);
  11. This hook allows you to modify the parameters and the result of the function after it has been executed:

    fn_set_hook('get_promotions_post', $params, $items_per_page, $lang_code, $promotions);
  12. This hook allows you to modify the pages before they are included into the page_tree structure:

    fn_set_hook('get_pages_after_sql', $params, $items_per_page, $lang_code, $pages);
  13. This hook allows you to modify the selection parameters of companies and the resulting list of companies:

    fn_set_hook('get_companies_post', $params, $auth, $items_per_page, $lang_code, $companies);
  14. This hook allows you to modify the data of the product before the initialization of product tabs starts:

    fn_set_hook('init_product_tabs_pre', $product);
  15. This hook allows you to modify the data of product tabs before passing that data to the template:

    fn_set_hook('init_product_tabs_post', $product, $tabs);

Changed Hooks

  1. // old:
    fn_set_hook('get_statuses', $join, $condition, $type, $status_to_select, $additional_statuses, $exclude_parent, $lang_code, $company_id);
    // new:
    fn_set_hook('get_statuses', $join, $condition, $type, $status_to_select, $additional_statuses, $exclude_parent, $lang_code, $company_id, $order);
  2. // old:
    fn_set_hook('get_statuses_post', $statuses,$join, $condition,$type, $status_to_select, $additional_statuses, $exclude_parent, $lang_code, $company_id);
    // new:
    fn_set_hook('get_statuses_post', $statuses,$join, $condition,$type, $status_to_select, $additional_statuses, $exclude_parent, $lang_code, $company_id, $order);
  3. // old:
    fn_set_hook('update_product_categories_pre', $product_id, $product_data, $rebuild);
    // new:
    fn_set_hook('update_product_categories_pre', $product_id, $product_data, $rebuild, $company_id);
  4. // old:
    fn_set_hook('update_product_categories_post', $product_id, $product_data, $existing_categories, $rebuild);
    // new:
    fn_set_hook('update_product_categories_post', $product_id, $product_data, $existing_categories, $rebuild, $company_id);
  5. // old:
    fn_set_hook('get_promotions', $params, $fields, $sortings, $condition, $join);
    // new:
    fn_set_hook('get_promotions', $params, $fields, $sortings, $condition, $join, $group, $lang_code);

New Hooks Specific to Russian Version

  1. This hook prepares the parameters for the SQL query before getting the list of cities:

    fn_set_hook('get_cities_pre', $params, $items_per_page, $lang_code, $fields, $condition, $join);
  2. This hook changes the data on the list of cities:

    fn_set_hook('get_cities_post', $params, $items_per_page, $lang_code, $cities);
  3. This hook updates the city data:

    fn_set_hook('update_city_post', $city_data, $city_id, $lang_code);

Core Functions

New Functions

  1. Check whether or not a translation exists for the language variable:

  2. Get the translation for the language variable:

  3. Obtain the locale code by the language code:

  4. Round the rating of a discussion:

    fn_discussion_round_rating($rating, $decimals = 2)
  5. Initialize product tabs:


New Functions Specific to Russian Version

  1. Update the city data for the rus_cities and rus_city_descriptions tables:

    function fn_update_city($city_data, $city_id = 0, $lang_code = DESCR_SL)
  2. Find the cities by the parameters:

    function fn_rus_cities_find_cities($params, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
  3. Get the list of cities in the correct format:

    function fn_rus_cities_format_to_autocomplete($cities)
  4. Get the identifiers of a city by the city’s name:

    function fn_rus_cities_get_city_ids($city, $state, $country, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
  5. Add the data of cities to the table:

    function fn_rus_cities_add_cities_in_table($rows)
  6. Get the full list of cities:

    function fn_rus_cities_get_all_cities($rows)
  7. Get the eDost codes for the cities:

    function fn_rus_edost_get_codes($cities_ids)
  8. Add the data of the cities to the rus_edost_cities_link table:

    function fn_rus_edost_add_cities_in_table($rows)
  9. Check if the state code exists:

    function fn_rus_sdek_check_state_code($state, $country = '', $avail_only = true)
  10. Get the SDEK data for the specified city:

    function fn_rus_sdek_get_sdek_data($city_id)
  11. Add the data of the cities to the rus_sdek_cities_link table:

    function fn_rus_sdek_add_cities_in_table($rows)
  12. Add the data of the cities to the rus_pecom_cities_link table:

    function fn_rus_pecom_add_cities_in_table($rows)
  13. Add the data of the cities to the rus_dellin_cities_link table:

    function fn_rus_dellin_add_cities_in_table($rows)
  14. Read the data of the cities from a CSV file for adding it to the database tables:

    function fn_rus_cities_read_cities_by_chunk($path, $size, $function_callback)

Changed Functions

  1. // old:
    function fn_paypal_payment_form($processor_data, $token)
    // new:
    function fn_paypal_payment_form($processor_data, $token, $return = false)
  2. // old:
    function fn_paypal_get_error($result)
    // new:
    function fn_paypal_get_error($result, $show_notification = true, $return_type = 'text')
  3. // old:
    app/controllers/backend/product_filters.php fn_update_product_filter($filter_data, $filter_id, $lang_code = DESCR_SL)
    // new:
    app/functions/fn.catalog.php fn_update_product_filter($filter_data, $filter_id, $lang_code = DESCR_SL)
  4. // old:
    function fn_update_product_categories($product_id, $product_data, $rebuild = false);
    // new:
    function fn_update_product_categories($product_id, $product_data, $rebuild = false, $company_id = 0)
  5. // old:
    function fn_ult_get_categories(&$params, &$join, &$condition, &$fields, &$group_by, &$sortings)
    // new:
    function fn_ult_get_categories(&$params, &$join, &$condition, &$fields, &$group_by, &$sortings, &$lang_code)

New Classes

  1. \Tygh\Enum\ProductOptionsApplyOrder contains the possible ways how options can be applied (either simultaneously, or sequentially).

Removed Functions Specific to Russian Version

  1. fn_edost_update_table_cities
  2. fn_cities_update_table_cities