The basic framework of the storefront consists of four horizontal root containers:
Root containers cannot be added or removed. This basic frame is the same for all layouts.
The Top Panel, Header, and Footer containers of the default layout page are inherited by other layout pages. The changes that you make to these three areas automatically apply to all layout pages.
Each root container is associated with a particular area of the storefront page—header, main content area, or footer. However, root containers themselves do not generate the corresponding parts of the storefront pages. In fact, they only accommodate and form boundaries for multiple smaller containers referred to as child containers.
Although a root container may consist of zero child containers, you are supposed to include at least one.
Child containers (also known as grids) allow for more detailed and sophisticated layouts of storefront pages. Multiple grids with certain sizes, positions, and styles can be nested inside a root container or inside other grids. Each grid may include one or more blocks—boxes with information of certain type.
To add a grid:
CS-Cart uses the intuitive and powerful Bootstrap library that allows full-, custom-width, and responsive layouts. In CS-Cart the Bootstrap library is divided into two parts—the Bootstrap framework, and the Bootstrap grid. A storefront is provided with the Bootstrap grid only. So, it is impossible to apply all means of the Bootstrap framework to the storefront.
A layout in CS-Cart can have 12 or 16 columns. In the full-width layout the length of the columns is adapted to the width of the page. In custom-width layout the length of the columns is fixed and depends on the specified width of the page. A responsive layout is flexible and adapts easily for different screen sizes. It is very useful for displaying site content on portable devices.
In CS-Cart, the root containers always occupy the full page length, i.e. all columns of the layout. The number of columns is defined through the container settings. It determines the possible dimensions of child containers. Their length cannot exceed the number of columns of the layout.
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